What is the difference between a Building Condition Assessment and a Home Inspection?

A Home Inspection service is intended for single-family buildings. It consists of visual observation and documentation of major components and systems, including the accessible structure, exterior enclosure, interior finishes, HVAC system, electrical installations, insulation and other elements. The typical home inspection report does not address environmental issues or Code compliance. Although home inspectors are formally trained in their field and are certified by their association, they are not required to have an engineering or architectural background—and many of them don’t.


A Building Condition Assessment (BCA) is a more complex and detailed review of a commercial or multi-unit residential property. A comprehensive BCA addresses the site conditions, visible structural components, exterior enclosure, interior systems, mechanical and electrical installations, regulatory compliance and environmental safety. The investigation is conducted by a team of experts, including engineers, architects and scientists. The report that is finally generated combines the findings of all, and identifies the short- and long-term repair requirements and associated costs.